I really like the show but I'm one of those who didn't like the finale. I saw many posts where ppl are saying "why don't you guys come up with an ending...". So that's what I did and here's my version of the finale, nothing original but at least I try to answer some of the questions in my version of the ending.
So Desmond will still go down the light and try to pull the plug which allows Jack to kill MIB. The ground starts shaking and everyone starts to panic. Here's where my version different. Jack thought he must save the Light by putting things back the way it was. But Desmond being the constant finally realizes what has to be done. With Smokey dead, the good and evil are now off balance. The island must be "destroyed", well it will actually sink to the bottom of the ocean, which reminiscence season 6 ep 1.
It's like the Yin and Yang, without MIB, there's no need for the protector and hence the island will cease to exist. This also explains why MIB has to kill Jacob and all of his candidiates in order to leave the island, which MIB also hinted in an ep that he'll destroy the island. If ppl are still not happy w/ the Yin/Yang explanation, I'll pull a Matrix reference. I assume ppl who watch Lost have watched the Matrix. When the 1st Matrix was built, it was the perfect world, but it ultimately failed because it was just the good. The future version of Matrix includes pain, suffering etc in order to sustain. So, the same law applies here or the "Mother" law (the natural order of things) that MIB must stay.
So they can still show the part where the airplane try to take off and it can show the island force sucks the plane down. But the key is everyone here MUST die and the island MUST sink, this will establish the "awakening" in the sideway flash.
Now, season 5 last ep detonated the bomb and things did change, the sideway flash timeline was created. Hence, Miles "hears" Juliet last word as "It worked!". However, these ppl are not aware of the past or each other as shown in various eps in season 6. The awakening can only happen as the person dies from the island and to complete the circle, EVERYONE in the island MUST die and island must sink. The Desmond-Jack conversation in the island can actually fit into my version of the story. Desmond is telling Jack to "let go" of the island so that he can move on with his life in the sideway flash timeline. And the awakening scenes can pretty much stay in tact and the difference is that they found each other again, but please no need for the church scene.
And the very final scene of Lost, instead of showing the beach w/ the plane wreckages. I think of two options.
1. It shows the vast ocean and the camera slowly rolls to the bottom of the ocean and we see a gleaming light shooting up from the bottom of the ocean.
2. Near the island, a bunch of scientists in a ship are doing research, collecting specimen from the bottom of the ocean. The camera zooms out and we see unsettling sand and bubbles around the edges of the island or maybe even the island beginning to emerge up.
The final scene is to show that the island is special and explains why the Dharma ppl was studying it and why Charles Widmore wants a piece of it.
So what do you guys think?